• Kernonen - 29250 Plougoulm, France
  • info@obs.bzh
  • +33 (0)2 98 29 92 55

OBS, Breton Breeding Organisation

Variety creation, Seed and seedling production

OBS, Organisation Bretonne de Sélection, is a union of agricultural cooperatives that creates high-performance vegetable varieties to meet the needs of farmers and consumers. From research to the marketing of seeds, OBS has chosen to control each stage in order to secure the supply of seeds and seedlings at the lowest possible cost.

L'OBS, the genetic independence of Brittany's vegetable growers

OBS is unique in that it was founded by vegetable growers in northern Brittany. OBS's mission is to develop genetics that meet their specific needs, their unique terroir, their market and their customers' requirements. Always run by the growers, OBS has a perfect understanding of the concerns in the field.

Brittany's market leader in cauliflower seeds

  • As the market leader for cauliflower seeds in Brittany, OBS guarantees a constant and secure supply.

  • OBS contributes to the development of Cérafel's 1871 member cooperatives. Member cooperatives are represented on the OBS Board of Directors.

OBS, coopérative agricole en Bretagne Nord

OBS in figures



covered surfaces


Years of innovation
From 1970 to today

A little history...

frise chronologique histoire d'OBS
From 1970 to today

A little history...

Creation of OBS


First cauliflower hybrid


Ecocert certification


First sales of shallots


First cauliflower hybrid highly resistant to mycosphaerella


Creation of OBS Innovation


Construction of 1.5 ha of tunnels for plant breeding and seed production


Handover of the 2ᵉ production shed, equipped with self-consumption photovoltaic panels.


To be continued...

The OBS adventure continues


The strength of OBS lies in the dialogue it fosters with producers

Over time, OBS, initially a seed producer, has become the cornerstone of the genetic independence of Brittany's vegetable growers

Jean-Marc Roué, a vegetable grower from Plougoulm and president of OBS, provides insights into this organization and its activities. Alongside him, Véronique Tremellat, director of OBS, shares her vision and ambitions for the future. Discover their profiles below.

vignette photo président Jean-Marc Roué OBS
Jean-Marc Roué, Chairman of OBS

We have put in place the tools to build our genetic independence. But we need to remain realistic and vigilant: let's keep trying, for as long as possible, not to be totally dependent on the outside world. Small structures like OBS are rare, and most of the plant genetics market is concentrated in the hands of two major groups. We can't rely on them to take into account all the interests of a tiny part of Brittany's farming community. The advantage of our structure is the dialogue that exists between the producers and the OBS. It has been in place for a long time for cauliflower, but the approach is the same for the other species grown.

Véronique Trémellat, directrice de l'OBS Organisation Bretonne de Sélection
Véronique Trémellat, Director of OBS

OBS has been developing its know-how in variety creation and seed production for half a century. Initially, we worked with Brassica and Allium varieties because of our location: our Breton cooperative works for Prince de Bretagne brand growers in the heart of France's leading vegetable production zone, the land of choice for cauliflower and shallot crops.
From the 2000s onwards, other species were worked on and we are currently continuing to expand our range, both in terms of new varieties and new species.
OBS is a company on a human scale. Regular investment allows us to innovate and improve our performance. The inclusion of our members in the varietal selection process is a strength and a factor in our success.

Jean-Marc Roué, Chairman of OBS

Jean-Marc Roué, président de l'OBS

"We have put in place the tools to build our genetic independence. But we need to remain realistic and vigilant: let's keep trying, for as long as possible, not to be totally dependent on the outside world. Small structures like OBS are rare, and most of the plant genetics market is concentrated in the hands of two major groups. We can't rely on them to take into account all the interests of a tiny part of Brittany's farming community. The advantage of our structure is the dialogue that exists between the producers and the OBS. It has been in place for a long time for cauliflower, but the approach is the same for the other crops grown.

Véronique Trémellat, Director of OBS

Véronique Trémellat, diretrice OBS

"OBS has been developing its know-how in variety creation and seed production for half a century. Initially, we worked with Brassica and Allium because of our location: our Breton cooperative works for the producers of the Prince de Bretagne brand, located in the heart of France's leading vegetable production zone, the land of choice for cauliflower and shallot crops. From the 2000s onwards, we began to work with other species and we are currently continuing to expand our range, both in terms of new varieties and new species. OBS is a company on a human scale. Regular investment allows us to innovate and improve our performance. The involvement of our members in the varietal selection process is a strength and a factor in our success.

vignette photo chou-fleur OBS


In cauliflower, OBS has to work on all the earlinesses, in all the production niches. In the face of competition, OBS needs to be competitive in terms of price, genetic quality and seed quantity.

Another of OBS's duties is to secure supplies. That's why OBS has its own seed production facilities, unlike the big groups that relocate to China, India or Chile.

The OBS represents more than 80% of the seed supply for certain earlinesses. Securing seed availability is a major challenge.

vignette photo echalote OBS


The region had been well supplied with traditional shallots. With Arvro and Longor, it was thought that the problem of plant breeding had been solved forever.

But the traditional shallot has found itself up against competition from seed products, and with it new challenges. The industry has therefore signed a breeding contract with OBS. The main objective was to reduce production costs. As a result, OBS created the Molène variety, whose main advantage is that it is highly resistant to mildew.

vignette photo artichaut OBS


The agreement between Cérafel and OBS has given a new impetus to plant breeding. As a result, the Prince de Bretagne range has been enhanced with the creation of the Cardinal variety. This is a first step, as work is currently underway on a small violet better suited to the region, and is nearing completion.

An improved Camus type, with good post-harvest shelf life and good resistance to mildew, remains a major focus of the programme.

vignette photo Coco de Paimpol OBS


This section, which previously had no relationship with OBS, was the first to sign an agreement. I believe that OBS and the section have succeeded in proving the value of a varietal creation approach for a very specific production, very isolated from the national section.

As with shallots, OBS produces the basic seeds, and it is the growers themselves who multiply the seeds. So there is no question here of self-financing varietal creation through the sale of seeds. The growers and their section have assumed their responsibilities and have been able to set up and finance this agreement. Three varieties have been selected and the programme is continuing.

vignette vecteur BIO label OBS


Since 1995, OBS has been developing its certified AB seed production.
The AB production regulations state that organic producers must use AB seeds and seedlings. However, there is a derogation allowing them to use untreated conventional (non-organic) seed. Cérafel's organic producers immediately realised that they could not base their development on a system of derogations.

Our aim is to produce sufficient quality seed at an acceptable price.


OBS, a union of cooperatives, managed by producers

OBS is a union of cooperatives, managed by producers.
The OBS Board of Directors is made up of representatives of the member producer organisations.

Particular attention is paid to the geographical distribution of representatives
in order to benefit from feedback from growers in all growing areas.

Le conseil d'administration d'OBS


Founded and still managed by the producers themselves,
OBS is firmly rooted in the Breton vegetable industry and benefits from collaboration with all the links in the chain:
PDOs, producer organisations, marketing, trade, experimentation, research and development, extension...

L'OBS est ancrée dans la filière légumière bretonne


Our business: innovation

Innovating for greater competitiveness

Innovating to meet consumer expectations

Innovating to reduce environmental impact

OBS INNOVATION brings together all the research activities of OBS

OBS INNOVATION has the high-performance tools and, above all, the specialists to create new varieties of vegetables.

The climate changes we are currently experiencing are having an impact on plant behaviour, as well as on diseases and pests. At the same time, society's expectations are to limit the use of synthetic products while still producing tasty, attractive food. Varietal renewal is therefore becoming a major challenge for the 21st century, in order to meet the expectations of producers and consumers alike.

On our scale, OBS already has around ten varieties of cauliflower that are resistant to the fungus (Mycosphaerella), which is the most damaging to this crop: this means that growers do not have to apply fungicides.

We have also created the shallot variety Méloine, which is resistant to mildew, and are testing others on a large scale before marketing them.

But that's just the beginning... Don't hesitate to read the testimonials of some of our team members to find out more about us.

Notre équipe. Guy
Guy, plant breeding technician

"Over the past 35 years at OBS, I've seen the company evolve in many different ways:

In the 70s and 80s, we used to go out into the field and take cores to make cuttings - hard, physical work with very unpredictable results. The gradual switch to in vitro cultivation of cauliflower apples very quickly improved both our results and our working conditions.

An extremely important moment in the company's history was the switch from farm varieties to hybrid cauliflower varieties. The gains for growers were phenomenal, and I don't think we'd be the leading production region without this revolution.

Cultivation tools have also evolved: the tunnels that used to cover up to 10 hectares were very fragile and labour-intensive. They have now been replaced by multichapels, which are much more resistant and provide better working conditions.

The installation of an above-ground heated area allows us to work in the off-season to speed up selection cycles.

In 35 years, working conditions have improved dramatically, less physical but much more technical. Climate management tools and IT have revolutionised my work. profession".

Notre équipe. Lucie
Lucie, laboratory and greenhouse technician

"Having joined the company in 2015, I find myself in charge of production management at laboratory and greenhouse level.

Having initially trained in a laboratory, I worked for 3 months with the person who previously managed the plant breeding operation in order to learn the ropes. The challenges are numerous, as you have to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, adjust schedules and manage priorities in order to meet breeders' expectations as effectively as possible.

Being a natural fighter and practising martial arts, I enjoy these daily challenges. The fact that I manage two units, the laboratory and the greenhouse, helps me to have an overview of the whole production process, so there's no middleman and that saves time. considerable".

Notre équipe. Vincent
Vincent, autumn cauliflower and allium breeder

"I joined in 2008 as a variety creation technician, and have held the position of breeder since 2015 after training at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. This experience, made possible by OBS, enabled me to meet breeders from all over the world and share our vision of breeding work.

Yield, preservation and ease of harvesting are all issues that we have to take into account in our day-to-day work. Consumers' desire to find healthy products on their plates and the gradual disappearance of plant protection products are also encouraging us to incorporate natural resistance or tolerance to diseases and pests into new varieties. The contribution of new technologies based on living organisms, such as molecular and cellular biology, is speeding up the selection process and making our work more efficient. This long and difficult process is made easier thanks to the dynamic cooperation of all the national and local players, including INRA, Vegenov, the experimentation stations and the Chamber of Agriculture. Our position within the Breton vegetable industry gives us the opportunity to exchange ideas with growers and to test our varieties in different locations and under different growing conditions.

In charge of the short-cycle cauliflower and Allium breeding programmes, my mission is to select productive but hardier varieties. The arrival of traditional shallot varieties that are resistant to mildew highlights OBS's know-how in using the natural resources available to it. has".

Notre équipe. Aurélie
Aurélie, artichoke and carrot breeder

"My job is to create new varieties with qualities that meet the expectations of the grower or customer who requests our services. Breeding a species such as the artichoke is a complex task, given its genetics and the limited research and resources available.

As a service provider, our job is to respond effectively and precisely to the specifications and demands, while contributing the company's know-how and the breeder's knowledge. Years of evaluations in the field, cross-breeding in the greenhouse and laboratory studies are all necessary to create a new high-performance artichoke or carrot variety.

This work requires a great deal of rigour, but it also leaves plenty of room for creativity, all within a dynamic spirit of constant innovation. The creation of new varieties is a long-term process requiring a high level of personal commitment and effective teamwork".

OBS, a company at your service

  • OBS Innovation's mission is to meet the breeding needs of the producers who are members of the Prince de Bretagne organisation. This gives growers access to genetics that meet their specific needs, their unique terroir and their market.
  • OBS Innovation has the high-performance tools it needs to conduct its research: shelters for the pollination stages, land for selection, in vitro culture and plant pathology laboratories.
  • OBS Innovation also considers all requests for services outside its sector that call on its tools and skills.
  • Contact: veronique.tremellat @ obs.bzh

At OBS, we innovate for...

gain in competitiveness

winning market share

meet consumer expectations

reducing environmental impact

The gift of a useful plant seems to me to be more precious than the discovery of a gold mine, and a monument more lasting than a pyramid.

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. "Voyage à l'Isle de Bourbon" (1773)

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(February 2022)
  • OBS : Kernonen - 29250 Plougoulm, France
  • info @ obs.bzh
  • +33 (0)2 98 29 92 55
2024 OBS - All rights reserved
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