• Kernonen - 29250 Plougoulm, France
  • info@obs.bzh
  • +33 (0)2 98 29 92 55

Seed production

Seed production is the final phase, bringing to fruition the work of variety creation and all the associated experimentation.

OBS has 6 hectares areas covered for seed production: from basic lots to commercial seed lots.
Seeds are produced under cover in airtight compartments that are insulated to prevent untimely fertilisation.

To ensure fertilisation, OBS uses different types of pollinators depending on the species:
bees, flies and other pollinating insects.


Controlled varietal purity

Thanks to a rigorous organisation, OBS is able to control the varietal purity of the batches produced:

  • Checks at every stage and purifications
  • Weed control and rotation management
  • Shelters fitted with insect-proof sails

Controlled identification at every stage of the production process means that we can boast a total traceability.

Optimised germination quality

Germination quality is optimised thanks to :

  • La management growing conditions (climate, fertilisation, etc.) and storage conditions
  • La control sanitary quality in cultivation and storage
  • From controls organised throughout harvesting, threshing, drying...

OBS produces both conventional and organic seeds. You can download your certificates on the page "Quality and certifications".

OBS is able to respond to all requests for seed production services. We look forward to hearing from you. contact.

At OBS, we innovate for...

gain in competitiveness

winning market share

meet consumer expectations

reducing environmental impact

The gift of a useful plant seems to me to be more precious than the discovery of a gold mine, and a monument more lasting than a pyramid.

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. "Voyage à l'Isle de Bourbon" (1773)

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(February 2022)
  • OBS : Kernonen - 29250 Plougoulm, France
  • info @ obs.bzh
  • +33 (0)2 98 29 92 55
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